Participating Newspaper in Education Programs
Several New Jersey newspapers have decided to participate in the 2008 Student/Parent Mock Election on October 30.
Their primary role is to help publicize the Mock Election by contacting the teachers who receive newspapers in their classrooms as part of the Newspaper in Education Program.
Prospective school Mock Election coordinator scan fill out and return a registration form located on the NS/PME website.
Beyond that basic role of promoting the Mock Election, newspapers may choose to operate other educational programs in schools. Those programs could include teacher workshops, essay contests, debates, sending reporters into classes and inviting students to write articles for youth or teen pages.
The following newspapers that are members of the NJPF Newspaper in Education & Youth Readership Committee have agreed to participate in the Mock Election.
You will be able to find contact information about the NIE coordinators of these 10 newspapers by clicking here:
Asbury Park Press, Neptune
Burlington County Times, Willingboro
Community Newspapers of the North
Jersey Media Group (Suburban Trends, Kinnellon)
Home News Tribune, East Brunswick
Hunterdon County Democrat, Flemington
New Jersey Herald, Newton
North Jersey Media Group (The Record
and Herald News)
Philadelphia Inquirer (for New Jersey schools the newspaper serves)
The Press of Atlantic City
The Star-Ledger, Newark
All other New Jersey newspapers are urged to participate in the Mock Election. They will be added to the list above when they contact John J. O'Brien, director of the New Jersey Press Foundation.
The main thing newspapers do is to promote the Mock Election to teachers and school administrators that participate in the Newspaper in Education Program.