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New Jersey Read for Life


Woman of the World: The Story of Nellie Bly

How This NewsBook Meets N.J. Curriculum Standards


All or part of five of the nine New Jersey curriculum standards are met by the content of the Nellie Bly NewsBook.

Standard 2 - Comprehensive Health and Physical Education

Standard 3 - Language Arts Literacy

Standard 6 - Social Studies

Standard 7 - World Languages

Standard 9 - Career Education and Consumer, Family and Life Skills

A full description of the New Jersey curriculum standards is on the New Jersey Jersey Department of Education website: www.state.nj.us/njded/cccs/ .

The following chapter references to the state's curriculum standards are intended only as examples of how the Nellie Bly NewsBook meets some of those standards. This isn't intended as a comprehensive comparison. As teachers read the book they will likely find additional ways the NewsBook and this Guide for Teachers, Students and Families meet the state's curriculum standards.

Examples of Links to the New Jersey Curriculum Standards

Comprehensive Health and Physical Education

2.1 D - Wellness:Diseases and Health Conditions - Chapters 1, 6

2.1 F - Wellness: Social and Emotional Health - Chapter 1

2.2 C - Integrated Skills: Planning and Goal Setting - Chapters 2,7,8

2.2 D - Integrated Skills: Character Development - Chapter 1

Language Arts Literacy

3.1 - Reading - Chapters 1through 14

3.2 - Writing - Chapters 1through 14

3.3 A - Speaking: Discussion - Chapters 1through 14

3.3 B - Speaking: Questioning (Inquiry) and Contributing - Chapters 1through 14

3.5 - Viewing and Media Literacy - Chapters 1through 14

Social Studies

6.2 B - Civics: American Values and Principles - Chapters 2,3,12

6.2 E - Civics: International Education /Global Challenges, Cultures and Connections - Chapters 2,3,8,9,10

6.3 E - World History: The Age of Revolutionary Change - Chapters 12, 13

6.3 F - World History: The Era of the Great Wars - Chapter 14

6.4 A - United States/New Jersey History: Family and Community Life - Chapter 1

6.4 C - United States/New Jersey History: Many Worlds to Meet - Chapters 2,3,8,9,10

6.4 H - United States/New Jersey History: The Industrial Revolution - Chapters 12, 13

6.4 I - United States/New Jersey History: The Emergence of Modern America - Chapters 13, 14

6.6 A - Geography: The World in Spatial Terms - Chapters 2,3,8,9,10, 14

6.6 B - Geography: Places and Regions - Chapters 2,3,8,9,10, 14

World Languages

7.2 - Culture: Grades 3-4 - Chapters 2,3,8,9,10

7.2 - Culture: Grades 5-8 - Chapters 2,3,8,9,10

7.2 - Culture: Grades 9-12 - Chapters 2,3,8,9,10

Career Education and Consumer, Family and Life Skills

9.1 A - Career and Technical Education: Career Awareness and Planning - Chapter 1,2 13

9.1 B - Career and Technical Education: Employability Skills - Chapters 1,2,13

9.2 B - Consumer, Family and Life Skills: Self Management - Chapters 1,2

9.2 D - Consumer, Family and Life Skills: Character Development and Ethics - Chapters 4,5,6

9.2 E - Consumer, Family and Life Skills: Consumer and Personal Finance - Chapters 1,2,14

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