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Woman of the World: The Story of Nellie Bly

Essay Themes and Newspaper Article References

The following themes can be used by students to help them gather information from newspapers and newspaper websites. Students can then use the information to write essays that will connect current-day issues to the content of the chapters of the Nellie Bly NewsBook.

Here's how to find current information on the web about the essay themes below:

1. Select the theme you are interested in writing about, highlight the text and copy it into your computer memory (copy function is under a pull-down menu at the top of the computer screen).

2. Go to a newspaper website or to a "Google" or other search engine and locate a text-search block.

3. Paste or type the text you copied in #1 above into the search form on that web page.

Chapter 1

School Dress Codes


Pay Inequities for Working Women

Nicknames / Pen Names

How Children Cope with the Divorce of Their Parents

Chapter 2

Child Labor Laws

Enterprising Spirit

Women and Children Living in Poverty

Practical Jokes

Dreams about Faraway Places

Chapter 3

Increase in the Number of People Speaking Spanish in the U.S.           

Tolerance of Other Cultures and Nationalities  

Accuracy/Inaccuracy of Observations by Witnesses

Censorship / Freedom of the Press (see the First Amendment Curriculum Guide)

Chapter 4

Obstacles Women Face in Job-Hunting

Conditions in Mental Hospitals

Ethics of Reporters Who Pose as Someone Else to Get Access to News Stories

Ethics of Police Posing as Reporters When Investigating a Suspect

Chapter 5

Immunity from Prosecution for Crimes

Pretending to be Someone You Aren't

Chapter 6

Mistreatment of Mentally Ill Patients

Search for Missing Relatives / Children

Chapter 7

Power of the Press as a Watchdog for the People

Examples of Investigative Reporting in Today's Newspapers

Influence of Lobbyists

Bribery of Politicians

Chapter 8

What to Pack for a Trip of Three Months

What Causes Seasickness?

How to Read a Map

How to Plan a Trip

Chapter 9

Religious Dressing Traditions

Attitudes of Others About American Tourists (The Ugly American)

Chapter 10

Visa Limitations Imposed by the U.S. on People from Other Countries

Poverty as a Catalyst of Revolution

Tolerance of Others Toward Americans


Fashions in Other Countries

Chapter 11

Celebrity Status


Chapter 12

Labor Strikes and Violence

Whistle -Blowers and Free Speech

Chapter 13

The Effects of Gambling on Poor People

Age Differences Among Married Couples

Women Managing Large Corporations

Embezzlement at Corporations

Chapter 14

Women Suffrage Movement

Women War Correspondents

Family Feuds over Money

Advice Columns in Newspapers

Return to the Table of Contents


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