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Journalism Resources

Garden State Scholastic Press Association

2024-2025 New Jersey College Newspaper Contest Rules

2023-24 College Newspaper Contest Results


New Jersey Collegiate Press Association


The New Jersey Newspaper-in-Education and Youth Readership Committee is Supported by


Free Curriculum Guides for New Jersey Teachers

New Jersey teachers are invited to participate in our major project for the 2007 - 2008 school year, the publication of a serialized story, Thomas Paine: An American Patriot. Please click here or on the image above to go to the special website created for this project, which meshes with the federal mandate for the study of the U.S. Constitution.

Links to free curriculum guides are listed in the right column on this page.

Free Newspapers for New Jersey Classrooms

Teachers are encouraged to request free classroom sets of printed newspapers and classroom licenses for the online editions of some New Jersey's newspapers.

In many cases, newspapers are paid for with donations received from corporations and foundations and are available until the money is exhausted.

Click here for the directory of New Jersey newspapers that offer Newspaper in Education programs. Classroom subscriptions are available from some of the newspapers listed in the directory.

Free Curriculum Guides

Thomas Paine: An American Patriot

Nellie Bly: A Profile in Courage

First Amendment Curriculum Guides
Information about Guides
Grades 5-7
Grades 8-12

Curriculum Guides Listed by Subject

N.J. Department of Education Core Curriculum Content Standards


New Jersey Press Foundation
Founded in 1962 as the charitable arm of the New Jersey Press Association
810 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 307, West Trenton, N.J. 08628-1022
609-406-0600, ext. 13 ~ Fax: 609-406-0300 ~ foundationprograms@njpa.org

NJPF is a charitable 501(c)3 foundation for inspiring youth readership, advancing student journalism, providing scholarships, and boosting the public's understanding of the free press and its role in our democratic society.


Founded in 1962 as the charitable arm of the New Jersey Press Association.

NJPF is a charitable 501(c)(3) foundation for inspiring youth readership, advancing student journalism, providing scholarships and professional internships, and boosting the public�s understanding of the free press and its role in our democratic society.

New Jersey Press Foundation
P.O. Box 358
Titusville, NJ 08560
Phone 609-406-0600