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New Jersey Read for Life


The Newspaper in Education and Youth Readership Program

of the New Jersey Newspaper Foundation

Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes

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New Jersey NIE Web Pages

Committee Members

New Jersey NIE News

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Committee Meetings

December 7, 2006

October 5, 2006

August 3, 2006

June 7, 2006

April 5, 2006

February 2, 2006

2005 Meetings

2004 Meetings

2003 Meetings

2002 Meetings

2001 Meetings

2000 Meetings


Meetings of the New Jersey Newspaper in Education and Youth Readership Committee are held at the New Jersey Press Association's offices: 810 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 307, West Trenton, N.J. 08628. Our phone number is (609) 406-0600 (dial 19 for the foundation director or zero for the receptionist).

The NJPA offices are located in the Mountain View Office Park, which is adjacent to Exit 2 of Interstate 95 in central New Jersey ... less than two miles north of the Delaware River bridge (the Scudders Falls Bridge) linking New Jersey and Pennsylvania. (this is NOT exit 2 of the New Jersey Turnpike, which is just north of the Delaware Memorial Bridge leading to/from I-95 in the state of Delaware)

When leaving I-95 at Exit 2, turn left at the top of the exit ramp. Then turn right at the first traffic signal to enter the Mountain View Office Park.

Our offices are on the third floor of Building 840, which is clearly marked on the top of the building.

For detailed directions to NJPA's headquarters, click here or use MapQuest for the address above.

Agenda for the December 7, 2006, Meeting

Meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. at the New Jersey Press Association headquarters in West Trenton, N.J.

Approval of Minutes from the October 5, 2006, meeting.

Business to be Discussed:

-- Update on the Thomas Paine biography, to be published for distribution in September 2007 by NJNF

-- NIE Week activities or Read Across America

-- Mid-Atlantic regional conference attendance and workshops

Agenda for the October 5, 2006, Meeting

Meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. at the New Jersey Press Association headquarters in West Trenton, N.J.

Approval of Minutes from the August 3, 2006, meeting.

Business to be Discussed:

-- Update on the Thomas Paine biography, to be published for distribution in September 2007 by NJNF. Three newspapers have signed up to participate so far. Question 1: Which other papers will participate? Question 2: Which ones want the tab version and which ones want the serialized version?

-- Participation at the NJNF booth at the New Jersey Education Association convention November 9-10 in Atlantic City. Question 1: Which committee members will come to the convention and what days/hours will they be at the booth to meet with teachers? Question 2: Which newspapers will be providing promotional materials to be displayed on the backdrop panels at the booth? Those materials (11 X 17 maximum) will be laminated and affixed to the booth display backdrop by NJNF.

-- Printing the Read for Life poster featuring Miss New Jersey. Question 1: Which newspapers want to be listed on the front of the poster? Question 2: Would one newspaper volunteer to print the poster, with the printing bill paid by NJNF? Note that graphic design will be done by the North Jersey Media Group and a PDF of the poster will be provided to the printer. The poster will be autographed by the 2006 Miss New Jersey at the New Jersey Education Association convention.

-- Printing the updated roster of NIE & Youth Readership Committee members. Question 1: Which newspapers want to be included in this roster, to be distributed at the New Jersey Education Association Convention. Question 2: Would one newspaper volunteer to print the roster?

-- Articles about youth readership and NIE for future issues of InPrint. Question: Which committee members will write articles?

-- Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, summer of 2007 in New York State. Question: Which committee members would be interested in helping put together a session for that conference, which is a sequel to the conference our committee operated this May in North Wildwood.

-- World Association of Newspapers Conference.

Lunch delivered at approximately 11:30 a.m. (courtesy NJNF)

Adjournment at approximately 1 p.m.

Next meeting: Thursday, December 7, 2006

Agenda for the August 3, 2006, Meeting

Meeting began at 11 a.m. at the New Jersey Press Association headquarters in West Trenton, N.J.

The following people in the photo below attended the meeting:

From left: Steve Gondelman, The Press of Atlantic City; Chris Yatchshyn (guest from the Bucks County Courier Times, representing the Pennsylvania NIE Committee); Jackie Mickelburgh, The Star-Ledger, Newark; Antonette Bomentre-Walter, Burlington County Times; Tom Engleman, NJNF Program Director; Aamir Musharraf, Home News Tribune, East Brunswick; Cynthia Forster, The Record (Bergen County); Shirley Sasor, Hunterdon County Democrat; Cathie DeFusco, Daily Journal, Vineland; Kathy Pietras, Courier-Post, Cherry Hill; Nathan Hale, Herald News (Passaic County); Gretchen Van Benthuysen, Asbury Park Press. (Photo by Catherine Langley, NJPA)

Approval of Minutes from the June 7, 2006, meeting.

Old Business:

- Courage in NJ, the final wrap-up

- Minority Journalism Workshop at Monmouth University, the new administration

- Constitution Day programming--any update on the First Amendment

- Report from the Garden State Press Association meeting

New Business:

- Mae Silver, Thomas Paine Society--Another NewsBook for NJ?

- Report from the national Young Reader Conference in St. Louis--New ideas, research findings AND OUR AWARD

- Youth pages--A critique from St. Louis teens

- Online newspaper distribution--How one paper works this in Denver

- NJEA Conference--Our presence November 9-10 in Atlantic City

- Mid-Atlantic NIE & Youth Readership Conference, September 2007--New York State as the host?

- Website--Additions of newspaper logos to the NJReadForLife site

- Future committee meetings--What day of the week works best for our committee members?

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 5?

Minutes of the June 7, 2006, Meeting

Attendance: Cynthia Forster, Steve Gondelman, Tracey DuFault, Sonia Andresson, Nathan Hale, Jill Murphy, Antonette Bomentre-Walter, Selina Franklin, Eleanor Novek (Monmouth University), Chris Yatchschyn (Pennsylvania NIE Committee), and Tom Engleman (NJNF).

The meeting began at 11 a.m.

Old Business:

Mid-Atlantic NIE and Youth Readership Conference - Evaluations from the conference sessions were distributed, reviewed, and discussed. Looking ahead to 2007, the suggestions included operating the conference in July at a site in the Poconos or southeastern New York State, with input from the Pennsylvania and New York NIE committees. If a venue isn't found by this fall, the conference may be pushed forward to 2008.

Courage in New Jersey essay contest - A report was distributed, reviewed, and discussed. There were nine winners, each of whom will receive U.S. Savings Bonds of $1,000 for first-place winners, $500 for second-place winners and $100 for third-place winners. Certificates were distributed to those present at the meeting and will be mailed to other newspapers, in hopes the papers will have local ceremonies for their winning students. Contest judges were NIE coordinators from Pennsylvania, Virginia and Massachusetts. The committee suggested that the 2007 contest should tie-in with the publication of a serialized story or NewsBook.

Serialized story or NewsBook for 2006-2007 school year - The Herald News said it will publish chapters of the "Ditch Digger's Daughter" twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and that the series will tie in with the author's statewide tour.

NAA Foundation NIE Contest - Cynthia reported that she mailed information to NAA before the deadline.

NAA Foundation's NIE and Youth Readership Conference - The conference is in St. Louis in July. Cynthia reported she will facilitate a workshop there and that she will meet on June 14 and 16 with the NAA Foundation to review and critique drafts of youth pages.

New Business:

New Jersey contest for youth pages - Tom said he will find out if the eight New Jersey youth page editors are interested in having their own category in the NJPA Better Newspaper Contest. He suggested that NAA Foundation may give us their judging criteria. Cynthia said she would put this on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting.

Minorities Journalism Workshop - Tom reported that NJNF will again send a grant to support the workshop, which is held at Monmouth University. Dr. Eleanor Novek, director of the workshop, spoke about the program to the committee. The journalism workshop is a two-week program (in July) where high school students learn every aspect of putting together a newspaper.  The students are recruited in February and March from high schools across the state. The goal of the program is to have the students see the steps to becoming a journalist, so they can apply to college and major in journalism. Dr. Novek would like the newspapers to help keep the students interest peaked after the workshop is over by allowing the students to be contributors to youth pages, by having the students become ambassadors in their schools for the NIE program and by using the students as interns at newspapers.

Teachers at Newspapers Program - Tom reported that one high school journalism teacher works at a local newspaper for four weeks in the summer (@ $500/wk). NJNF underwrites the program (i.e. pays that teachers salary). Tom suggested that the Committee adopt the program by submitting nominations to NJNF and that the newspaper that nominated the winning teacher actually hire that teacher for the internship. A motion was made by Cynthia Forster that the NIE and Youth Readership Committee adopt the program. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

NJEA Convention - The convention will be November 9-10 in Atlantic City. NJPA will have a booth at the convention and the NIE/Youth Readership Committee members are invited to come to the convention and use the booth to advertise their newspapers/ educational programs. Miss New Jersey will be at the booth to sign Read for Life posters. Question: Should the committee submit an application to NJEA to facilitate workshops at the next convention?

Constitution Day - Tom has been trying to obtain First-Amendment materials. It was suggested that if if nothing is received for Constitution Day in September that the papers might be able to use materials for the Bill of Rights Day in December.

Miscellaneous - The committee will discuss ideas for a statewide project at the next meeting. One possibility is using materials from the Thomas Paine Society.

The meeting ended at 1:45 p.m.

Next meeting: August 3, 2006.

Respectfully submitted by: Selina Franklin, Asbury Park Press

Agenda for the April 5, 2006, Meeting

Meeting will begin at 11 a.m. at the New Jersey Press Association headquarters in West Trenton, N.J.

Approval of Minutes from the February 2, 2006, meeting.

Old Business:

- Planning for the Mid-Atlantic NIE Conference ... this is the last meeting prior to the conference on May 4-5

- Courage in New Jersey essay contest ... please bring your entries with you to this meeting

- NIE Week ... use of the template provided by the statewide NIE committee

New Business:

- National Literacy Month ... what plans do we want to make for this September event?

- Constitution Week in September ... First Amendment curriculum guide, posters, other materials

- Celebrate New Jersey ... is any newspaper participating in this project?

- NAA Awards ... do we want to enter the work of the statewide committee?

Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 7

Agenda for the February 2, 2006, Meeting

Meeting will begin at 11 a.m. at the New Jersey Press Association headquarters in West Trenton, N.J.

Approval of Minutes from the December 7, 2005, meeting

Welcome new committee members (including editors of N.J. Teen/Youth Pages)

New Business:

- Celebrate New Jersey tab with content from 4th grade students- Karen Melito

- Changing the name of the committee to: Newspaper in Education and Youth Readership Committee

- Consider changes to By-Laws of the committee to reflect name change (By-Laws e-mailed on 1/26/2006)

- Finalize plans for the statewide essay contest in March: Courage in New Jersey

- Finalize program for the Mid-Atlantic Regional NIE Conference on May 4-5

- NJPA Circulation Conference attendance ... contest update and program plans

- Brief tour of the "Read for Life" website

- Youth Readership (ASNE Foundation High School Newspaper Project)

- NIE Week March 6-10 (free house-ads and Teacher's Guide from NAA Foundation)

- Entering the Nellie Bly project in the NAA Foundation's awards competition.

- So you want to enter your program in the NAA Foundation's awards competition? How to do it.

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Founded in 1962 as the charitable arm of the New Jersey Press Association.

NJPF is a charitable 501(c)(3) foundation for inspiring youth readership, advancing student journalism, providing scholarships and professional internships, and boosting the public�s understanding of the free press and its role in our democratic society.

New Jersey Press Foundation
P.O. Box 358
Titusville, NJ 08560
Phone 609-406-0600