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Summer Internship Programs

2025 Jules Plangere Jr. Internships

Jules L. Plangere, Jr. Internship Program
Summer internships are awarded annually to both in-state collegiate journalists as well as in-state residents studying collegiately outside N.J. Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors are selected competitively for the eight-week full-time experience and earn a minimum of $4800.00.  Among the approximately 10 awarded annually are specially named summer internships including:

·       Mac Borg Internships

·       John J. O'Brien Internship

·       Lloyd P. Burns Internship

Click here for the complete application packet and instructions. Adobe Acrobat is required to fillin and submit the PDF


For more information about these programs, contact Peggy S. Arbitell at (609) 406-0600, ext. 14, or parbitell@njpa.org.

Founded in 1962 as the charitable arm of the New Jersey Press Association.

NJPF is a charitable 501(c)(3) foundation for inspiring youth readership, advancing student journalism, providing scholarships and professional internships, and boosting the public�s understanding of the free press and its role in our democratic society.

New Jersey Press Foundation
P.O. Box 358
Titusville, NJ 08560
Phone 609-406-0600