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About NJPF

New Jersey Press Foundation began in 1962 with a $100 scholarship awarded to a college journalism student. Over the years since, the foundation has expanded its mission to help develop the next generation of journalists and informed citizens, and to promote the importance of a free press to our democracy.

Current foundation programs and sponsorships include:

Peggy Arbitell, Business Manager


New Jersey Press Foundation
2018 Trustees

President:  Brett Ainsworth, The Retrospect
Vice President:  Bill Murray, The Trentonian
Treasurer:  Richard Vezza, The Star-Ledger
Acting Secretary:  Tom Donovan, Asbury Park Press

Ronald Czajkowski, New Jersey Press Association past-director
Mark Blum, Catamaran Media
Stan Ellis, Burlington County Times
James Kilgore, The Princeton Packet
Ronald Morano, FirstEnergy Corporation/JCP&L
Paul Grzella, Courier News/Home News Tribune

Founded in 1962 as the charitable arm of the New Jersey Press Association.

NJPF is a charitable 501(c)(3) foundation for inspiring youth readership, advancing student journalism, providing scholarships and professional internships, and boosting the public�s understanding of the free press and its role in our democratic society.

New Jersey Press Foundation
P.O. Box 358
Titusville, NJ 08560
Phone 609-406-0600