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2x2 Network - Rates and Guidelines

Effective February 2015

NJPA 2x2 Display Ad Network rates are based on 99 participating weekly newspapers with 1.2 million+ circulation:

Open rate (non-contract)......$1,400
6x  contract rate.................$1,168
12x contract rate................ $1,023
24x contract rate..................$995 
48x contract rate..................$940

Northern Region..................$1,198

Southern Region..................$420 

All rates are net (advertisers and agencies pay the full amount shown) and are subject to change with 30 days' written notice to advertisers. Frequency commitments must be fulfilled within 12 months of the first run date.

  • Ads for the 2x2 Network shall consist of a clear statement of a bona fide offer, proposition or announcement made in good faith.
  • NJPA may request documentation prior to publication for any questionable statements in advertisements.
  • NJPA and its 2x2 Network participating newspapers retain the exclusive right, at their sole discretion, to refuse any advertising that does not conform to their policies and standards.
  • A maximum of six ads per week will be distributed to participating newspapers.
  • NJPA retains the exclusive right, at its sole discretion, to set the publication schedule of all ads.
  • Neither NJPA nor its member newspapers shall be liable for slight changes or errors that do not diminish the value of the advertisement.
  • Neither NJPA nor its member newspapers shall be liable or responsible for any error in an advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much of the space occupied by the advertisement as is materially affected by the error.
  • Credit shall be by refund or republication of the advertisement, at the election of NJPA or the newspaper. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the publisher is notified in writing of the error before the repetition of the incorrect insertion.
  • NJPA guarantees that the ads will be distributed to all participating newspaper members.
  • NJPA will convey advertisers' requests for specific section placement; however, positioning cannot be guaranteed. Placement within the newspaper is at the discretion of each individual newspaper.
  • NJPA will provide the advertiser, upon request, one tearsheet from one participating newspaper.
  • NJPA and all participating newspapers reserve the right to reject any advertising copy submitted.
  • The number of participating newspapers is subject to change weekly.

New Jersey Newspaper Network is the advertising and marketing arm of the New Jersey Press Association. Its purposes are to champion the vitality and validity of New Jersey newspapers and the New Jersey market, to develop new revenue opportunities for NJPA and its member newspapers, to provide clients with a seamless, flexible way of placing advertising in New Jersey newspapers, based on their specific objectives, and to exceed clients� expectations by providing personalized, professional service and in-depth New Jersey market information.

New Jersey Newspaper Network
P.O. Box 358
Titusville, NJ 08560
Phone 609-406-0600